I offer counselling to clients 12 years and over
Coming to counselling for the first time can be a daunting experience with the uncertainty of what to expect. I want all clients to know they are welcome and in a safe space. I am passionate about creating an inclusive space that is open to everyone. Counselling can help you work through a variety of issues that you have been confronted with previously or are currently facing. You can expect your initial session to include some paperwork and we will discuss your needs to create a plan that is personalised to who you are and where you want to go.
Counselling is led by you; the expert in your life, and as your counsellor, I will guide and support you to achieve your therapy goals. Sometimes, when necessary, I will challenge you on your thoughts if they are not honouring your truest self. For clients who are 12- 18 years old, I will require signed parental consent.
The counselling sessions, however, remain confidential between the counsellor and the client. The confidentiality will be explained to both the young person and the parent/carer/guardian at the initial appointment. I provide updates to parents via email after each appointment, this will include information regarding any activities that we have done during the session, the general theme of the session, and any follow-up homework.
Location And Pricing Information
In-person Sessions
I offer outreach - I come to you!
Counselling can be daunting enough without the added worry of coming to a new place, finding parking, and finding the time.
If outreach is not for you - I also offer telehealth, via Zoom.
Online Sessions
Online sessions are conducted via Telehealth. Once you have booked an appointment you will be sent a link for our session.
Counselling sessions are $120, for 50-minute sessions.
I am unable to offer mental health care plans, however, my session price is close to the usual gap fee you will often pay even with a mental health care plan.
Health Fund Rebates
I am able to offer some private health rebates.