I am extremely passionate about delivering workshops that create impact and offer real, tangible solutions that create connections, not just for the business but to the individual workers as well.
How many times have you been dragged into a team building workshop, parent information presentation, or workplace conference and felt like you walked away -
Extremely bored
That you did not walk away with any tangible/relevant information
You just simply did not agree with most of what was being said
As a business, you want your employees to connect with the business values and mission - but what happens when an individual does not align with those values? You will often find employees are burnt out, resentful, not loyal to the company, not enjoying the work, have high absenteeism and have a low work output.
Through these workshops, we find out what your employee’s values are, and how they identify their purpose and work that back into the business values and mission. Sounds simple - but it's this workshop where the magic happens.
You will find once your employees find a connection to their workplace, you will see happy, loyal, committed, and fulfilled employees who create a higher work output.
In addition to this, as a mother to a high-performing young athlete, I am also particularly passionate about delivering workshops to sporting club parents around mental health, well-being, and connection to their child.
If you wish to enquire about a workshop, please complete the form below and provide me with your business details, and the number of participants and I will reply with an individualised quote and workshop outline.